Wednesday 13 April 2011

Taylor's Son Attempted Murder Case Deepens

Philip Taylor Along with Three Others Trial Aggreviated Assault and Attempted Murder 

The aggravated assault and attempted murder proceedings hanging over former Liberian President Charles G. Taylor’s son, Charles Philip Taylor, along with three of his alleged accomplices ended on a sad note as his defense lawyer was on Tuesday asked to justify surety for his criminal appearance bond filed before the Monrovia City Court.
Last month, Chris Massaquoi, Jr. filed an action of aggravated and attempted murder charges against defendant Taylor after allegedly beating him with a dog chain on a local beach for being in love with a girl, who Philip is said to also be dating.
When the bond was filed, government prosecutor, Atty. Sam T. Solomon filed an exception that the surety of the bond has no legal standing to represent the defendant if he escapes the bailiwick of the country.
But the movants prayed the court to ignore the state’s submission and endorse the bail bond.
Cllr. Theophilius C. Gould, who represented the defendants, notified the court that an exception to a bond should be filed within three days and a copy served on the defendant and its surety.
In the instant case, counsel for the defendants argued that the exception to the bond was never served on the surety as required by law, but it was rather served on the defendants.
The defense submitted that the essence of a criminal appearance bond is to ensure the day-to-day appearance of the accused in court.
Touching on the main suit, the defense told the court that frantic efforts have been made by the parties to withdraw the case and amicably resolve it in a family way.
But plaintiff resisted and informed the court to take judicial notice of the case file that Taylor was arrested in RiverCess County by security forces, while trying to escape from the country.
Plaintiff also brought to the attention of the court that when one of the defendants was released on parole bond, he attempted to escape the bailiwick of the court.
The matter was suspended for next week until the state can serve the exception on the surety.
